Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Trip to the Park...

Trip to the Park with Auntie Jen, Uncle Charles and Cousin Jason.

The Mop on Top...

The mop on top... Now you see you don't.

"going to the zoo zoo about you you you..."

Benj's first trip to the Zoo.
Saying "Hi" as we start our adventure.
'What's that?'
Monkeying around with Cousin Jason.
Cousin Jason is a 'Joey'.

The day is getting long...
Calling it a day...pitiful.

Calling it a day...pathetic.

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

something to share...

Cousin Jason visits

(slumber party)

Judgement Day!

...and I'm spent.

Family Pictures


It is one thing to love your mother...but it is a completely separate thing to love your mother.  Benjamin is learning the difference of the two.  He is a passionate guy, without question.  As you can see, passion is not Ben's issue...perhaps self control...but certainly not passion.