Monday, March 2, 2009

Biggest Loser Update...

For those who care...and for those who don't (since you are still reading):
The Family Biggest Loser competition has be re-energized. A couple has been faithfully going to a local gym. One member of the family registered a loss of 8-10 lbs... So the journey continues.

FYI: Some of us need encouragement, some don't...either way it is your job to be an encourager of healthy living and eating. (Thanks, on behalf of all of us :) )


Ann-Marie said...

Staying motivated is not easy. But you can do it! Just think of how great it will feel to see the new, healthier you in the mirror, to see the muscles form, and to feel the energy you will gain all from this endeavor.


Stacy Peterson said...

Yeah you! You can do it!!

Or, keep at it!

Or, it's not too late- you can catch up!

Anyway,you are awesome no matter what!!!!

Do we have your attention now to plan a date?