Monday, March 2, 2009


It seemed like a harmless thing, get a set of your fingerprints and send them into the FBI. So like any desperate-to-be-a-dad I head on down to the local police station and subject myself to a very STRETCHING moment.

For those who know me, you know that I hate to have sticky, messy or dirty fingers. I refuse to eat with my fingers if utensils are available. I strongly dislike the residue lingering on my fingers...(perhaps a little OCD?)... Some may agree and even have similar convictions. Just to reiterate and emphasize the point, I use a fork to eat french fries, rice crispy treats, and pizza. (for those thinking...those aren't healthy foods, you've missed the POINT of my rant. So come back to the point: I hate schmutz on my fingers).
Back to the story...

I am welcomed by a waiting area full of "interesting" characters. I go up to receptionist, pay my money and turn to take my seat in waiting. A couple of those waiting grinned at me, as if to say, "Dude, you totally got Hosed! I've never paid to have mine taken." The door opened, and I am welcome by Officer "I have a large semi-automatic gun strapped to my waist"...I'm already a BIG FAN of this guy. I follow the officer down a series of hallways to a small office, show him my ID, remove my jacket...and that's when it happened...My ten digits were defiled by Officer "leave black, oily residue on peoples' fingers."

Some will read this and say..."Boy he has issues." Others will say, "What a strange man?!"

I prefer to think..."Oh, the things we do for our (future) children!" (The journey to adoption continues!)

1 comment:

Linsensuppe said...

Being born and raised in Germany, we were always told that food has to be eaten with utensils and that tradition is still holding through until today. Even when you're buying street food (i.e. Currywurst and Fries.. YUMM!) you'll get a small plastic pick or fork. So I am 100% with you on the "not getting your fingers dirty" thing.

BUT.. I am really surprised that your fingerprints were taken the old fashioned way. I am about to get my Green Card (knock on wood) and have to get fingerprinted every six months (yes, I know... I don't know either how my fingerprints could change in six month) and even the old rustic immigration office already has a scanner that takes your finger prints directly from a glas without getting your fingers dirty.
